Business Meeting - Fall 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020- Roll Call:
- James Thompson (President)
- Kenneth Bienstock (Vice President)
- David Nagy (Secretary-Treasurer)
- Lea Thompson (Extension Chair; Recording)
- Franklin Brodsky
- Bob Friedman
- Mike Haber
- Christine Roe
- Paul Sicard
- Anthony Foppiano
- Quorum Achieved
Officer Reports
President's Report—James Thompson
- This year started well with planning, but the pandemic has delayed acting on many plans
- Biggest action was sending out a survey looking for basic data and volunteers for the 75th chapter anniversary and communicating with the chapter about plans for the event
- Lea made progress on alumni outreach
EZAA relaunched its website this year
- Still working on document library
- This meeting and last week’s event were announced on the website
- Last week EZAA hosted a successful anniversary event remotely on Zoom
- James would like to continue with quarterly remote events. Possibilities include trivia games and roomtalks with pledges
Vice President's Report—Kenneth Bienstock
- The survey got good results (49 responses and a list of volunteers)
Main question is when to hold reunion (spring or fall semester of 2022)
- Most respondents preferred a spring date; active brotherhood agrees
- Covid-19 concerns might make fall a safer time to plan for
- The RPI Alumni House has been very helpful and says we may be able to sign a contract for a spring date with the possibility of pushing the event to fall if Covid-19 is still a concern
- Further discussion of dates proposed for later in the meeting
Secretary/Treasurer Report—David Nagy
- EZAA has had no income or spending in the past year
- IRS paperwork is filed
Extension Chair—Lea Thompson
Current contact count:
- 235 contacts on Mailchimp, 131 subscribers
- 293 followers on Facebook
Activity since last meeting:
- Published a signup page for emails
- Set up welcome automation email
- Sent 8 emails, mostly event invitations
- 19 social posts, same subjects as emails, plus boosting chapter activities and promoting communication between alumni and active brothers
- Launched cooperative outreach project
Cooperative outreach project
- Collected data from 2000 directory, national office, chapter corresponding secretary
- Emailed graduates from 2015-2020 and added 18 subscribers
- About 1000 contacts from our Excel list are currently unverified (email not registered in Mailchimp as subscribed or unsubscribed, not marked as deceased or do not contact)
- 377 of these have a listed email, not yet verified as deliverable
- Looking for volunteers to contact known unverified brothers
- So far 6 volunteers have offered 52 potential contacts
- Open to recruiting other volunteers, but as a limited rollout to keep communication manageable
Officer Elections
All positions were uncontested and the incumbents were approved for a new term by acclamation for each position.
- President—James Thompson
- Vice President—Kenneth Bienstock
- Secretary/Treasurer—David Nagy
- Extension Chair—Lea Thompson
- Member-at-Large—Richard Vehlow
Other Business
Reunion Brainstorming
- May is likely too late because of finals, although the chapter has previously held a spring formal around that time
- Early April is available, but late April is not good because of Easter and Passover
- How much do we want to plan now vs. save until later?
- The Alumni House can help with procuring event space
- Many present at the meeting still prefer spring
- Preference noted for hosting in Troy rather than Albany
- General opinion seems to be to spend up to 6 more month gathering information, mainly as surveys to alumni, before committing to a space
Possible Bylaws Amendments
- James would like to draft amendments to the bylaws (last amended in 2009).
- Previous suggestions to move responsibilities from Sec/Treas to Ex-chair, remove the duty to publish a directory
Other suggested EZAA actions
- Create standing rules to supplement the bylaws
- State who is responsible for the website
- Replace newsletter with website
- Create more instructional materials for continuity between officers, available digitally
Add a responsibility for alumni networking
- Currently accomplished through LinkedIn
- Chapter has expressed interest in more opportunities
Improve outreach to new alums
- Rules for interacting with active brotherhood
Question about transferring funds to the chapter without paper checks
- Will need followup, but likely possible